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Is Government Deliberately Refusing To Pay The Two Months Salaries Arrears of the 4% to Nurses? Pay Us Now!!.. – Bismark Kpobi

Open Letter To:

Chief of Staff.



Last year, 2021, was the saddest year in the lives of public sector workers since salary increment was pegged at 4% and 7% for 2022 despite the cost of living and the prices of goods and services. So it was a shock to all to see that our monies wouldn’t see any marginal increment as compared to previous years since the introduction and implementation of the single spine salary structure SSSS.

Very appalling to say, even the 4% stipulated arrears that was marked to be paid , over 80% of Nurses and some percentage of teachers were denied Two Solid Months Arrears that should have reflected in December,2021 payment. Upon several enquiries, we were made to understand that it was due to some few technical challenges hence all the two months arrears will be addressed and paid together with the January 7% salary increment, but alas, we woke up to another deception and shocks since the two months 4% salary arrears never reflected or paid.Most colleagues don’t usually check their salaries when paid , some only spend whatever that comes so it took the eagle eyes of few to detect that.

So we believe that government wanted to shortchange us for reasons best known to them.We have over 120,000 nurses working, so if such a percentage of people are denied the 4% ,in addition to some teachers, you will appreciate how much someone is making through the backdoor with our salary arrears.

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Bismark calls on the government and director at controller and accountant general department to come out clear on this mishappenning to nurses and some teachers.Enough of the delays or stagnation in points changes and its accompanying monies and the rest.

Hoping to hearing from you.

Bismark Kwabla Kpobi

Senior Registered MENTAL Nurse.

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