5 signs he is your man

A man is never busy to run to his peace and comfort place, men are often saddled with pressure, stress, loneliness admits many and therefore he is deeply in need of a run to.
If he takes out time no matter how small to check up on you or just listen to your voice disregarding his busy schedule, It is a sign that he doesn’t just think about himself, hold him tight.
2. Plans
Now don’t get it twisted there is a big demarcating line between talking and planning the talks, men can be prompt to call a lady (wifey) and deep down its all façade.
If he makes visible plans on securing a future with you to match his words, you might want to consider sticking.
3. Financial capability
He necessarily does not have to be a millionaire or be able to buy you expensive gifts for every occasion. Being financially capable means that he has good money habits.
4. Open
This is the one thing you don’t want to ever sweep under the carpet, transparency is key, is he free to tell you all that he has? Do you contribute to his financial actions? Does he let you know when he is financially red and green?
Ladies you definitely want someone that you both know each other’s financial limit.
5. Jealous or selfish
This two terms seem strikingly alike but in the real sense are not, it is not such a big deal if he is jealous, I mean it’s only normal for a man to want his lady for only his keep and should do everything to keep her.
There is however a problem when a man is selfishly in love, it’s not healthy! I repeat not healthy!, this means if he can’t have her no one else would, even if he has her for real he still feels in secured, which is so risky, love is selfless not selfishness
Story by: Mavis Davor |DFM|DIKODER.COM